The Issue of Teenagers Self Esteem

Despite the brooding and the mood swings a teenagers’ self esteem is more fragile than you think.  There are a great many factors that can undermine a teenager’s ability to build their self confidence, factors ranging from academic issues, poor social interaction and dealing with developing one’s own unique identity while trying to avoid the physical awkwardness that puberty brings.  The constant internal struggles they face on daily basis are for us a distant memory because we’ve forgotten what it was like to be their age.

Their social circle has a great deal of influence in their lives with the approval and feedback from peers often validating how they feel about themselves, factors which they allow to determine their self esteem and self worth.  It’s incredible how much impact this can really have in the life of your teenager.  This can be concerning especially since adolescents are not always known for their tact and empathy.

This is why it’s of the utmost importance for your teenagers self esteem to be nurtured and reinforced from within the home.  This will strengthen them to deal with the pitfalls of life out there in the big wide world.  This can come from giving praise and attention from family members, in particular, parents.

Positive and nurturing reinforcement in the home that is properly devised and enacted will help to repair your teenagers self esteem, never underestimate the power of love, just because your teenager knows that you love them doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t show it. Such an approach can act as an effective hedge against the factors that erode your teenager’s self esteem.  While it is impossible to change the climate teenagers must face, teenager’s self esteem can be improved through various positive strategies designed to counteract the factors dragging them down.

Another effective tool in the building of your teenagers self esteem is to model good self esteem.  By setting an example of healthy self esteem and respect for yourself will instill the same values in your teenager.  Children learn by example, they tend to imitate what their parents do, both the positive and the negative, being a good role model can often be the most powerful lesson of all because you teach by doing.  The next time you get upset, think of your words and your actions and be sure to keep an optimistic outlook on life, this will influence how they themselves deal with trials in their adult life.  Don’t forget, your children are always watching what you do.

Allow your teenager to be a contributing member of your family.  Give them a job to perform whether it’s the dishes or taking out the garbage, a job helps to cement their role within the family unit while achieving a sense of belonging and importance, a vital building block in the building of their self esteem.

These are just a few tips that can help build up and strengthen your teenagers self esteem but if you’d like more information, you can sign up to receive your free report with more self esteem building tips for your teenager and for yourself.


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