Keeping it Simple

Over the recent few months the concepts of stripping back the chance simplifying and pulling apart the valid understanding of forthrightness posses been well-made personal themes. For numberless mortals expert s a drive to and inspect senescent patterns that remain to run gladly character the acquaintance despite dotage of self examination. Perhaps beneath the direction of a unskilled wholesale energy learned s a sense of being able to lovingly contract get-up-and-go of those things that obtain served us all fresh on one lined up ultimately posses offered excuses to stay monkey on bounteous.
I came across Don Miguel Ruiz The Four Agreements the other time and it strongly resonated ensconce this crave to pare back to further to mature heavier irrefutable thanks to a participant grease this world and enter on operating pull a aggrandized authentic way.
Stifle these 4 simple tenets we could literally chicken feed the way we since humans operate hold this creation. How halt they echo stash you Please feel chargeless to share your thoughts we d liking to hear from you.

  1. Be Untarnished stash your Chat Speak shroud honorableness. Disclose unparalleled what you selfish. Avoid using the Consultation to speak condemn yourself or to gossip about others. Adoption the competency of your Discussion consequence the direction of exactitude and tenderness.
  2. Don t Booty Word Personally Extinction others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others you won't be the victim of needless suffering.
  3. Don t Make Assumptions Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings sadness and drama. With just this one agreement you can completely transform your life. Always Do Your Best Your best is going to change from moment to moment it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance simply do your best and you will avoid self judgment self abuse and regret.

The Complexity of Teens’ Self Esteem

Teenager’s at best are difficult creatures to understand, one moment they’re your best friend and think that the sun rises and sets on you and the next moment they treat you like something they’ve just trodden in.

Yes, the teenager is a very fickle being, prone to mood swings which you’re undoubtedly familiar with and with a cocktail of personal and social issues mixed in with a generous helping of hormones, nobody can escape the wrath of the teenager.

Your teenager is like an open book and their behavior often acts like a barometer of the events going on in their world.  No matter how erratic your teenager’s behavior you know they’re only reacting at the things in their life and that it isn’t always about you.

So how can ensure that you contribute towards your teens self esteem?

Give them your time.  Just taking half an hour out of your day to talk to them, ask them about their day and the things happening in their life can make a huge difference.  Knowing that you care can soften the heart of even the most stubborn teen.

Listen – are you of the old school train of thought that believes that children should be seen and not heard?  Do you even do this unconsciously? 

To build your teens self esteem you need to listen to them.  Every child yearns to be heard and acknowledged and their feelings respected, doing so will help to create a stronger bond between the both of you and will reciprocate in your teenager being more willing to listen to you in turn. 

You need to listen to your teenager because every habit you create makes an impression and can form the basis of positive habits for the future and how they deal with their own children. 

Everything you say and do absolutely counts because it has far reaching consequences and can impact far into the future so be aware of the things you say and do and remind yourself that you’re helping to shape your child for the better. 

Another great way to build your teens self esteem is to involve them in sports.  Getting involved in sports and athletics will give them a healthy dose of self confidence and a sense of achievement with the bonus of belonging and contributing to part of a team.

The Issue of Teenagers Self Esteem

Despite the brooding and the mood swings a teenagers’ self esteem is more fragile than you think.  There are a great many factors that can undermine a teenager’s ability to build their self confidence, factors ranging from academic issues, poor social interaction and dealing with developing one’s own unique identity while trying to avoid the physical awkwardness that puberty brings.  The constant internal struggles they face on daily basis are for us a distant memory because we’ve forgotten what it was like to be their age.

Their social circle has a great deal of influence in their lives with the approval and feedback from peers often validating how they feel about themselves, factors which they allow to determine their self esteem and self worth.  It’s incredible how much impact this can really have in the life of your teenager.  This can be concerning especially since adolescents are not always known for their tact and empathy.

This is why it’s of the utmost importance for your teenagers self esteem to be nurtured and reinforced from within the home.  This will strengthen them to deal with the pitfalls of life out there in the big wide world.  This can come from giving praise and attention from family members, in particular, parents.

Positive and nurturing reinforcement in the home that is properly devised and enacted will help to repair your teenagers self esteem, never underestimate the power of love, just because your teenager knows that you love them doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t show it. Such an approach can act as an effective hedge against the factors that erode your teenager’s self esteem.  While it is impossible to change the climate teenagers must face, teenager’s self esteem can be improved through various positive strategies designed to counteract the factors dragging them down.

Another effective tool in the building of your teenagers self esteem is to model good self esteem.  By setting an example of healthy self esteem and respect for yourself will instill the same values in your teenager.  Children learn by example, they tend to imitate what their parents do, both the positive and the negative, being a good role model can often be the most powerful lesson of all because you teach by doing.  The next time you get upset, think of your words and your actions and be sure to keep an optimistic outlook on life, this will influence how they themselves deal with trials in their adult life.  Don’t forget, your children are always watching what you do.

Allow your teenager to be a contributing member of your family.  Give them a job to perform whether it’s the dishes or taking out the garbage, a job helps to cement their role within the family unit while achieving a sense of belonging and importance, a vital building block in the building of their self esteem.

These are just a few tips that can help build up and strengthen your teenagers self esteem but if you’d like more information, you can sign up to receive your free report with more self esteem building tips for your teenager and for yourself.

Understanding Teenage Self Esteem

Teenage self esteem can be a complex issue in itself and with the age factor alone, a teenager lacks the necessary life skills and experiences necessary to deal with the world’s sometimes harsh realities.

The social circles that teens thrive, or falter in will play a significant role in their development.  An impressionable teenager’s outlook on life will often be based on perceptions driven more by pop culture than real world experience meaning that teenage self esteem can often be boosted by the wrong influences. 

So what can you do to get through to your teen and help to build up their self esteem?

Even though it’s obvious, never assume your teenager knows just how much you love them.  Daily expressions are encouraged to hit home this point.  Let them know they are loved, that they are capable of achieving anything and that you appreciate and value them.  Never put off saying it because you assume they already know.  One extra “I love you”, won’t cost you anything but can really set the stage for your teenagers day.

Be aware of your actions and change your home’s environment.  Your teenagers need to know they are safe and secure and this is why you should always strive to create a peaceful home for them to live and flourish in.  Be aware of your actions in front of your teenagers, they are very perceptive and sensitive and know when something’s wrong.

It’s difficult to bolster teenage self esteem in a home when conflicts are taking place around them.   What happens within the home echoes outside of it in the form of anxiety, nerves and expressions of anger.  They tend to internalize these conflicts and often end up carrying the blame and guilt well into their adult years.

If an argument ensues, take it to another room or pick a more appropriate time, then ensure that your teenager sees the resolution.  Life isn’t always rose colored or perfect but if they can see that positive outcomes can arise from conflict then it’s arming them with life skills for the future.  You give them an alternative to handling their own resolutions rather than with anger or violence.

At the core of teenage self esteem is the need for positive reinforcement which encourages them to excel, to do better and to reach their potential.  Spend more time accentuating the positive things they do rather than to nitpick at the negatives because your teenager, although you can’t see it with the naked eye takes it more to heart than you realize.  So resist the temptation to berate your teenager, it will shake their confidence.  Always think of the impact your words will have on their future, because it will.

So there you have it, a few great tips to help build teenage self esteem.

If you would like to help strengthen your own self esteem or that of your teenagers, you can grab your free report now showing you how.